Welcome to the Delegations Page


Directors - Condition/Limitation 1
The Director Customer and Corporate Services, the Director Shire Futures and the Director Shire Services may exercise Delegation EX001 only in so far as the delegation applies to the area of management responsibility of the Director concerned.
3 positions
Directors - Delegation
The functions of the Chief Executive Officer and the functions delegated to the Chief Executive Officer by the Council other than any function which may not be lawfully delegated or sub-delegated by the Chief Executive Officer subject to the following conditions and limitations:
3 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993


Act as the Council's Public Officer
Act as the Council's Public Officer pursuant to sections 342(1) and 343 of the NSW Local Government Act, 1993.
1 positionNSW Local Government Act 1993

Administer and control the operations
To administer and control the operations and activities of any Group appointed by Council under section 355 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993.
8 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

Assess reports of data breaches in line with the Mandatory Notifiable Data Breach Policy and Procedure

Assess reports of data breaches in line with the Mandatory Notifiable Data Breach Policy and Procedure, under part 6A of the Privacy & Personal Information Protection Act 1998

6 positionsPrivacy & Personal Information Protection Act 1998

Authorise and sign correspondence of a standard nature
Authorise and sign correspondence of a standard nature, such as replies to routine enquiries from the public, in accordance with other delegations granted to the position, with the exception of correspondence to Members of Parliament or those for the direct attention of heads of government departments and agencies, the media, or Mayors and General Managers of other Council’s, or other dignitaries.  The author is to give regard to Council Forms and Templates.
255 positions
Authorise correspondence of a non-standard nature
Authorise correspondence of a non-standard nature, such as interpretation of Council policy, financial or legal commitments and responses to Councillor or media enquiries.

Explanatory Note: Correspondence to Members of Parliament or those for the direct attention of heads of government departments and agencies or Mayors and General Managers of other Council's, or dignitaries should be signed off by the Chief Executive Officer or Mayor.  The author is to give regard to Council Forms and Templates.
154 positions
Council Resolution Target Dates
Authorised to determine and change target dates of Resolutions of Council
5 positions
Determine an application for a filming proposal
Determine an application for a filming proposal made pursuant to section 115 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993 in accordance with section 119B including the Council’s Filming Protocol.
12 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

Exercise the Council’s functions under the NSW State Records Act 1998
Exercise the Council’s functions under the NSW State Records Act 1998 including the disposal of Council records and making of open and closed access directions in accordance with that Act and the NSW State Records Regulation 2010 in accordance with Council's Records/Information Management Policy.
7 positionsNSW State Records Act 1998

NSW State Records Regulation 2010

Prepare and submit written submissions

Prepare, sign and submit written submissions on behalf of Council (once relevant SLT member has been informed) to any Commission Inquiry or Body provided such action is consistent with Council's Delivery Program, Council policy and the Wollondilly Community Strategic Plan.

31 positions
Prepare/draft written submissions for Manager approval
Prepare/draft written submissions on behalf of Council (for Manager approval) to any Commission Inquiry or Body provided such action is consistent with Council's Delivery Program, Council policy and the Wollondilly Community Strategic Plan.
19 positions
To arrange inspections within the Local Government Area
To arrange inspections within the Local Government Area and meetings with other parties in accordance with Council policy or a resolution of the Council or as otherwise deemed appropriate.  Regard is to be given to Council's Work Health and Safety Policy, Code of Conduct and the Councillor Access to Information and Interaction with Staff Policy.
129 positions
Western Sydney Infrastructure Grants Programs (WSIG) Administrative (financial) approval
Authorised to be a signatory and approver of administrative matters relating to the 12 WSIF Projects including:
Endorsement of Schematic designs
Other financial approvals within the officer’s financial delegation limit.
1 position
Western Sydney Infrastructure Grants Programs (WSIG) Administrative (non-financial) approval

Authorised to be a signatory and approver of administrative matters relating to the 12 WSIF Projects including:
Appointment of Project Control Groups (PCG)
Project Management Plans (PMP)
Endorsement of minutes of meetings of PC or design workshops
Endorsement of Concept Designs 
Other non-financial approvals as necessary 



1 position


Authorised to determine formal access applications under section 9
Authorised to determine formal access applications under section 9 of the NSW Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 in accordance with Council's Code of Conduct, the Access to Information Protocol and the Councillor Access to Information and Interaction with Staff Policy.
10 positionsNSW Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009

Informally release information under section 8
Informally release information under section 8 of the NSW Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 in accordance with Council's Code of Conduct, the Access to Information Protocol and the Councillor Access to Information and Interaction with Staff Policy.
268 positionsNSW Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009

Proactively release information under section 7
Proactively release information under section 7 of the NSW Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 in accordance with Council's Code of Conduct, the Access to Information Protocol and the Councillor Access to Information and Interaction with Staff Policy.
22 positionsNSW Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009


Act as an appropriate person
Act as an appropriate person, within the meaning of clause 164 of the NSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, to receive or deal with tenders submitted to Council in accordance with the Guidelines for Tendering Protocol.
34 positionsNSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005

Principal Certifier Certification Contracts
To sign certification contracts under the Building and Development Certifiers Act 2018, on behalf of Council.
9 positions
To call for tenders
To call for tenders in respect of any contract relating to the execution of any work directed or authorised by or under the NSW Local Government Act 1993 to be done by Council or for the furnishing of materials pursuant to section 55 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993. Tenders to be in accordance with Council's Purchasing Protocol, Procedure and adopted budget estimates.
37 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

To sign documentation
To sign documentation in respect of all property functions except: those documents that
• must be signed under the Common Seal of Council or
• effect the compulsory acquisition, purchase, sale, exchange or surrender of any land or other property (not including the sale of items of plant or equipment) having regard to Council's Corporate Property Policy.
24 positions


To authorise legal advice or legal representation
To authorise legal advice or legal representation in any matter in which the Council is already or likely to become involved (in consultation with the General Counsel).  Council's Legal Panel has preference unless extenuating circumstances arise.
7 positions
To determine an application for review of a penalty infringement notice
To determine an application for review of a penalty infringement notice made to the Council provided that the delegate is not a person who was involved in making the decision that is the subject of the review in accordance with the Guidelines as issued by the Infringement Processing Bureau from time to time and Council's Compliance Policy.
5 positions
To represent the Council
To represent the Council and lay information in all respects in any proceedings under relevant legislation, ordinance or regulation lawfully given and which may be dealt with by the Council.
73 positions
To sign legally binding agreements
To sign legally binding agreements on Council's behalf in accordance with a resolution or policy of the Council.
49 positions


Provide comments
Provide comments to the media relating to the interpretation of Council's policy position on a matter in accordance with Council's Code of Conduct.
20 positions
Provide statements and interviews
Provide statements and interviews to the media pertaining to Council in accordance with Council's Code of Conduct.
16 positions
Provide technical information
Provide technical information to the media in relation to Council's position on a matter as per resolutions of Council in accordance with Council's Code of Conduct.
23 positions
To place advertisements
To place advertisements on behalf of Council in accordance with Council's Advertising Policy.
115 positions


Create and administer Wollondilly Shire Council's social-networking page/s as relevant to the area of responsibility
Create and administer Wollondilly Shire Council's social-networking page/s as relevant to the area of responsibility within the guidelines of Council's Social Media Policy.
3 positions
Upload comments, replies, information and approved images and footage relating to Wollondilly Shire Council to ensure relevant and approved social media sites are regularly updated.
Upload comments, replies, information and approved images and footage relating to Wollondilly Shire Council to ensure relevant and approved social media sites are regularly updated within the guidelines of Council's Social Media Policy.
28 positions


Authorise eviction
Authorise the eviction of any person behaving in a manner likely to cause offence to other Library users or staff in accordance with the Library Act 1939 and the Library Regulation 2010.
6 positionsNSW Library Act 1939

NSW Library Regulation 2010

Authority to close the Library
Authority to close the Library during the adopted hours due to exceptional circumstances in accordance with the Library Act 1939 and the Library Regulation 2010.
5 positionsNSW Library Act 1939

NSW Library Regulation 2010

Dispose of resources
Dispose of resources not required by the Library Service in accordance with the Library Act 1939 and the Library Regulation 2010.
6 positionsNSW Library Act 1939

NSW Library Regulation 2010

Issue owner consent on behalf of the Council
Issue owner consent on behalf of the Council to enable development, building or subdivision applications to be lodged in respect of property owned by Council in accordance with the Probity-Dealings with Council Owned Land Policy.
3 positions
Restrict or suspend library membership
Restrict or suspend library membership for failure to comply with regulations and instigate recovery action for overdue library items in accordance with the Library Act 1939 and the Library Regulation 2010.
4 positionsNSW Library Act 1939

NSW Library Regulation 2010

To determine applications
To determine applications for the use of public parks, reserves and other land or buildings under the control of Council where relevant approvals are to be issued in accordance with the Adopted Plan of Management.
10 positions
To enter into agreements regarding the construction of dividing fences for land adjoining Council owned land
To enter into agreements regarding the construction of dividing fences for land adjoining Council owned land within the provisions of the NSW Dividing Fences Act 1991 and/or the payment of a Council contribution for the construction of the fence in accordance with the Probity-Dealings with Council Owned Land Policy.
14 positionsNSW Dividing Fences Act 1991


Accept resignations
Accept resignations in accordance with Council's Resignation Procedure.
0 positions
Allocate and organise staff within the Department/Section
Allocate and organise staff within the Department/Section.
21 positions
Allocate and organise staff within the Group
Allocate and organise staff within the Group.
88 positions
Appraise performance or assess competence.
Appraise performance and/or capability in accordance with Council's Salary System Protocol and Procedure and the Performance Management & Disciplinary Process Protocol and Procedure.
85 positions
Approve Annual Leave.
Approve Annual Leave in accordance with Council's Employee Leave Entitlements Procedure.
87 positions
Approve Council agreements
Approve Council agreements for a group, department, section or team in accordance with relevant legislation and the industrial instrument.
3 positions
Approve leave without pay
Approve leave without pay in accordance with Council's Employee Leave Entitlements Procedure.
6 positions
Approve Long Service Leave.
Approve Long Service Leave in accordance with Council's Employee Leave Entitlements Procedure.
81 positions
Approve other forms of leave (with the exception of Special Leave)

Approve other forms of leave (with the exception of Special Leave) in accordance with Council's Employee Leave Entitlements Procedure.

Note: Special leave can only be approved by the CEO.

83 positions
Approve payment of reasonable expenses incurred by Councillors or Senior Staff
Approve payment of reasonable expenses incurred by Councillors in accordance with the Councillors Fees, Expenses and Facilities Policy for their attendance at meetings and conferences.
2 positions
Approve Rostered Days Off (RDO).
Approve Flexible Working Hours and Rostered Days Off (RDO) in accordance with Council's Employee Leave Entitlements Procedure and the Flexible Working Hours Protocol and Procedure.
87 positions
Approve secondment or lateral transfer
Approve secondment or lateral transfer in accordance with section 354G of the NSW Local Government Act 1993.
0 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

Approve Sick and Carers’ leave.
Approve Sick and Carers’ Leave in accordance with Council's Employee Leave Entitlements Procedure.
87 positions
Approve special arrangements to reconcile work and family responsibilities
Approve special arrangements to reconcile work and family responsibilities in accordance with Council's Flexible Working Hours Protocol and Procedure.
75 positions
Approve terminations of employment
Approve terminations of employment in accordance with the State Award and the NSW Local Government Act 1993.
0 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

Approve the attendance of staff at any seminar
Approve the attendance of staff at any seminar, conference and/or meeting in accordance with Council’s Organisational Learning and Development Protocol  and Procedure.
34 positions
Approve the attendance of staff at any training course
Approve the attendance of staff at any training course in accordance with Council’s Organisational Learning & Development Protocol and Procedure.
32 positions
Approve the span and spread of ordinary hours for an individual
Approve the span and spread of ordinary hours for an individual in accordance with Council's Flexible Working Hours Protocol and Procedure.
77 positions
Approve the taking of time in lieu
Approve the taking of time in lieu in accordance with Council's Employee Leave Entitlements Procedure.
89 positions
Approve timesheets and attendance sheets for payment of staff within area of responsibility
Approve timesheets and/or higher duties for payment of staff within area of responsibility in accordance with Council's Indoor and Outdoor Time Sheet Procedures.
89 positions
Approve working from home arrangements
Approve working from home arrangements in accordance with Council's Working Remotely Procedure.
76 positions
Authorise additional ordinary hours of work
Authorise additional ordinary hours of work.
85 positions
Authorise financial assistance to staff
Authorise financial assistance to staff undertaking tertiary studies in accordance with Council's Employee Learning & Development Protocol and Procedure and the Employee Educational Assistance Program Procedure.
1 position
Authorise findings and actions
Authorise findings and actions resulting from an investigation.
2 positions
Authorise overtime or accrual of time in lieu
Authorise overtime or accrual of time in lieu.
87 positions
Authorise requisitions
Authorise requisitions for the recruitment of staff in accordance with Council's Recruitment and Selection Protocol and Procedure.
19 positions
Authorise the temporary appointment of additional staff
Authorise the temporary appointment of additional staff resources in accordance with Council's Recruitment and Selection Protocol and Procedure.
19 positions
Authorised to approve the financial sign off of job evaluations, market/retention allowances and recruitment of positions that were not included in the Council approved budget
Authorised to approve the financial sign off of job evaluations, market/retention allowances and recruitment of positions that were not included in the Council approved budget in accordance with Council’s Recruitment and Selection Protocol and Procedure.
2 positions
Communicate and engage with unions
Communicate and engage with unions in accordance with relevant legislation and the industrial instrument.
5 positions
Conduct Work Health and Safety incident investigation
Conduct Work, Health and Safety incident investigations in accordance with Council's Work, Health and Safety Policy.
13 positions
Deal with and settle notified industrial disputes

Deal with and settle notified industrial disputes in accordance with relevant legislation and Council's Grievance Resolution Protocol and Procedure.

2 positions
Undertake disciplinary action.  Must occur in accordance with any relevant industrial instrument, employment contract and Council's Performance Management & Disciplinary Process Protocol and Procedure.
78 positions
Settle a grievance in accordance with Council's Grievance and Resolution Protocol and Procedure.
72 positions
Conduct employee induction in accordance with Council's Recruitment and Selection Protocol and Procedure.
13 positions
Negotiate Council agreements
Negotiate Council agreements for a department, section or team in accordance with relevant legislation and the industrial instrument.
3 positions
Negotiate whole of organisation agreements
Negotiate whole of organisation agreements in accordance with relevant legislation and the industrial instrument.
3 positions
Notify an employee(s) of a pending workplace investigation
Notify an employee(s) of a pending workplace investigation in accordance with relevant legislation and Council's Performance Management & Disciplinary Process Protocol and Procedure.
76 positions
Notify an employee(s) of pending disciplinary action
Notify an employee(s) of pending disciplinary action in accordance with the Local Government State Award and Council's Performance Management & Disciplinary Process Protocol and Procedure.
76 positions
Obtain legal advice
Obtain legal advice in relation to industrial and employment related matters.
4 positions
Provide Council reference
Provide Council Statement of Duties where appropriate in accordance with the Industrial Relations Act, 1996 and the Industrial Relations (General) Regulation 2020.
1 positionNSW Industrial Relations Act 1996

NSW Industrial Relations (General) Regulation 2015

Review salaries, wages, remuneration packages
Review salaries, wages, remuneration packages for staff within the ranges specified by Council's adopted Salary Administration Scheme and within the parameters of the adopted budget in accordance with Council's Salary System Protocol and Procedure.
76 positions
Suspend an employee
Suspend an employee in accordance with the industrial instrument and Council's Performance Management & Disciplinary Process Protocol and Procedure.
1 position
Undertake a workplace investigation.
Undertake a workplace investigation.
4 positions
Work Health and Safety
Consult with Department, Section or Team in relation to Work Health and Safety matters in accordance with Council's Work, Health and Safety Policy.
92 positions


Act as a signatory to the Council's bank account
Act as a signatory to the Council's bank account in accordance with the applicable Accounting Standards.
4 positions
Act as the Council's Responsible Accounting Officer pursuant to Clause 196
Act as the Council's Responsible Accounting Officer pursuant to clause 196 of the NSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.
1 positionNSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005

Assess and recommend the reduction, waiver or refund of fees and charges
Assess and recommend the reduction, waiver or refund of fees and charges for the use of Council facilities or other operational services provided by the Council pursuant to section 610E of the NSW Local Government Act 1993 and in accordance with Council's Reduction, Waiver or Refund of Council Fees and Charges Policy and the Hardship Policy.
43 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

Authorise development contributions funded expenditure
Authorise "development contributions funded expenditure" in accordance with the Development Contributions Plan adopted by Council.
4 positions
Authorise expenditure for goods and services for Council pursuant to clause 211, to a limit of $1,000
Authorise expenditure for goods and services for Council pursuant to clause 211 of the NSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and Council's Purchasing Protocol, within Council’s adopted budget to a limit of $1,000.00 (including GST) and to approve refunds up to the same limit.
34 positionsNSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005

Authorise expenditure for goods and services for Council pursuant to clause 211, to a limit of $10,000
Authorise expenditure for goods and services for Council pursuant to clause 211 of the NSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and Council's Purchasing Protocol, within Council’s adopted budget to a limit of $10,000.00 (including GST) and to approve refunds up to the same limit.
17 positionsNSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005

Authorise expenditure for goods and services for Council pursuant to clause 211, to a limit of $100,000
Authorise expenditure for goods and services for Council pursuant to clause 211 of the NSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and Council’s Purchasing Protocol, within Council's adopted budget to a limit of $100,000.00 (including GST) and to approve refunds up to the same limit.
13 positionsNSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005

Authorise expenditure for goods and services for Council pursuant to clause 211, to a limit of $20,000
Authorise expenditure for goods and services for Council pursuant to clause 211 of the NSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and Council's Purchasing Protocol, within Council's adopted budget to a limit of $20,000.00 (including GST) and to approve refunds up to the same limit.
31 positionsNSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005

Authorise expenditure for goods and services for Council pursuant to clause 211, to a limit of $250,000
Authorise expenditure for goods and services for Council pursuant to clause 211 of the NSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and Council's Purchasing Protocol, within Council's adopted budget to a limit of $250,000 (including GST) and to approve refunds up to the same limit.
3 positionsNSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005

Authorise expenditure for goods and services for Council pursuant to clause 211, to a limit of $5,000
Authorise expenditure for goods and services for Council pursuant to clause 211 of the NSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and Council's Purchasing Protocol, within Council’s adopted budget to a limit of $5,000.00 (including GST) and to approve refunds up to the same limit.
33 positionsNSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005

Authorise expenditure for goods and services for Council pursuant to clause 211, to a limit of $50,000
Authorise expenditure for goods and services for Council pursuant to clause 211 of the NSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and Council's Purchasing Protocol, within Council's adopted budget to a limit of $50,000.00 (including GST) and to approve refunds up to the same limit.
60 positionsNSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005

Authorise expenditure for goods and services for Council pursuant to clause 211, to a limit of $500,000
Authorise expenditure for goods and services for Council pursuant to clause 211 of the NSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and Council's Purchasing Protocol, within Council's adopted budget to a limit of $500,000 (including GST) and to approve refunds up to the same limit.
4 positionsNSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005

Authorise expenditure for goods and services for Council pursuant to Clause 211, to a limit of $500.00
Authorise expenditure for goods and services for Council pursuant to clause 211 of the NSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and Council's Purchasing Protocol, within Council’s adopted budget to a limit of $500.00 (including GST) and to approve refunds up to the same limit.
0 positionsNSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005

Authorise expenditure for goods and services for Council pursuant to clause 211, to a limit of $75,000
Authorise expenditure for goods and services for Council pursuant to clause 211 of the NSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and Council's Purchasing Protocol, within Council's adopted budget and to a limit of $75,000.00 (including GST) and to approve refunds up to the same limit.
0 positionsNSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005

Authorise expenditure of funds within Council’s adopted budget
Authorise expenditure for goods and services for Council pursuant to clause 211 of the NSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and Council's Purchasing Protocol, within Council's adopted budget and to approve refunds.
0 positionsNSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005

Authorise the alternate payment arrangements for Developer Contributions in accordance with S610E
Authorise the alternate payment arrangements for Developer Contributions and Planning Proposals under and in accordance with section 610E of the NSW Local Government Act 1993.
6 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

Authorise the opening of trading accounts
Authorise the opening of trading accounts with the suppliers of goods and services to Council in accordance with Council's Purchasing Protocol.
9 positions
Authorise the refund of monies
Authorise the refund of monies held in trust, any bond or fees on development, building and subdivision applications or the like where the purpose for holding the monies or bond has been satisfied or the fee was levied or paid in error or the fee paid exceeds the service provided.
14 positions
Authorise the sale of obsolete Council plant or equipment
Authorise the sale of obsolete Council plant or equipment in accordance with Council's Disposal of IT Equipment Protocol.
1 position
Authority to negotiate sponsorship
Authority to negotiate sponsorship and in kind support for Council approved events/activities in accordance with Council's Corporate Sponsorship Policy.
19 positions
Determine and request reduction, waiver or refund of Council fees and charges
Determine and request reduction, waiver or refund of Council fees and charges for the use of Council facilities or other operational services provided by the Council pursuant to section 610E of the NSW Local Government Act 1993 and in accordance with Council's Reduction, Waiver or Refund of Council Fees and Charges Policy and the Hardship Policy.
7 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

Invest the Council's money pursuant to S625
Invest the Council's money that is not, for the time being, required by the Council for any other purpose pursuant to section 625 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993, in accordance with Council's Investment Policy and in the form of investment notified by order of the Minister published in the Government Gazette.
4 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

Negotiate agreements
Negotiate agreements in accordance with any Council resolution or direction within the budget on behalf of Council.
45 positions
To authorise payment for reimbursement and travel claim forms for Councillors
To authorise payment for reimbursement and travel claims for Councillors in accordance with clause 4.67 of the Councillors Fees, Expenses & Facilities Policy.?
0 positions
To submit grant applications within the officer financial delegations
To submit grant applications within the officers financial delegations provided such action is consistent with Council’s Community Strategic Plan and Delivery Program.
44 positions


Authorise amendments to rate records pursuant to S602
Authorise amendments to rate records pursuant to section 602 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993.
2 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

Authorise and issue certificates pursuant to S603
Authorise and issue certificates as to rates and charges pursuant to section 603 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993.
2 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

Determine and declare the categorisation of rateable land pursuant to S514
Determine and declare the categorisation of rateable land within the Council's area, pursuant to section 514 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993 and where applicable regard is to be given to Council's Farmland Rating Policy.
2 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

Determine applications for pensioner rate rebates pursuant to S575 & S577
Determine applications for pensioner rate rebates in accordance with section 575 and 577 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993 in accordance with Council's Hardship Policy.
5 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

Determine applications to change the category of rateable land pursuant to S525
Determine applications to change the category of rateable land, pursuant to section 525 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993.
2 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

Determine applications to have accrued interest written off pursuant to S567, S575 & S601
Determine applications to have accrued interest written off, pursuant to sections 567, 575 and 601 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993 in accordance with Council's Hardship Policy.
1 positionNSW Local Government Act 1993

Make an appropriate adjustment of rates paid or payable pursuant to S527
Make an appropriate adjustment of rates paid or payable following a change in the category of rateable land, pursuant to section 527 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993.
4 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

To approve refunds
To approve refunds in respect of overpayments or credit adjustments for rates.
2 positions
To authorise the entering into of arrangements for the payment of arrears of rates, garbage and miscellaneous charges
To authorise the entering into of arrangements for the payment of arrears of rates, garbage and miscellaneous charges in accordance with Council's Hardship Policy.
5 positions


Act as an authorised person, for the purposes of serving a penalty notice pursuant to S9.58 of EPA Act 1979
Act as an authorised person, for the purposes of serving a penalty notice pursuant to section 9.58 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
4 positionsNSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979

Appointed as an Investigation Officer pursuant to Part 9, Division 9.2, Subdivision 1, S9.14 generally.
Appointed as an Investigation Officer pursuant to Part 9, Division 9.2, Subdivision 1, S9.14 (2) of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 generally.
75 positionsNSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979

Authority to determine an application for a building certificate pursuant to Division 6.7
Authority to determine and issue an application for a building certificate pursuant to sections 6.22, 6.23, 6.24, 6.25 & 6.26 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
11 positionsNSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979

Authority to determine an application to issue a strata certificate pursuant to Part 4, Division 3, S58
Authority to determine an application for the issue of a strata certificate pursuant to Part 4, Division 3, section 58 of the NSW Strata Schemes Development Act 2015.
6 positionsNSW Strata Schemes Development Act 2015

Authority to give notice of the intention to give an Order pursuant to Schedule 5
Authority to give notice of the intention to give an Order pursuant to Schedule 5 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
10 positionsNSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979

Authority to issue an Order pursuant to S9.34
Authority to issue an Order pursuant to section 9.34 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
9 positionsNSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979

Authority to issue certificates in relation to outstanding notices and orders pursuant to S9.3 - 9.37 and Schedule 5 of the EPA Act 1979 and S735A of the LGA Act 1993
Authority to issue certificates in relation to outstanding notices and orders pursuant to section 9.3 to 9.37 and Schedule 5 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 or section 735A of the NSW Local Government Act 1993.
5 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

NSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979

Authority to issue planning certificates pursuant to S10.7(2) & S10.7(5)
Authority to issue planning certificates pursuant to the provisions of section 10.7(2) & 10.7(5) of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 on confirmation of receipt of advice of determination by delegated officer.
27 positionsNSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979

NSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979

Authority to prepare a planning proposal pursuant to S3.33
Authority to prepare a planning proposal (Local Environmental Plan) where Council is the relevant planning authority under section 3.33 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
25 positionsNSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979

Authority to undertake all of Council's functions under Division 3.2
Authority to undertake all of Council's functions under Division 3.2 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act, 1979
5 positionsNSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979

Determine a development application pursuant to S4.16
Determine a development application pursuant to section 4.16 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 other than an application that has been called up to the Local Planning Panel for determination in accordance with the Council and Delegated Determination of Development Applications Policy.
17 positionsNSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979

Determine an application for a complying development certificate in accordance with S4.28
Determine an application for a complying development certificate in accordance with section 4.28 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and sign and issue a complying development certificate or advice of refusal to issue such a certificate.
8 positionsNSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979

Determine an application for a subdivision certificate in accordance with S6.3
Determine an application for a subdivision certificate in accordance with section 6.3 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979 and the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation, 2000.
6 positionsNSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979

NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000

Determine an application for the extension of the lapsing period for development consent pursuant to S4.54
Determine an application for the extension of the lapsing period for development consent pursuant to section 4.54 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
9 positionsNSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979

Determine an application for the modification of a complying development certificate in accordance with S4.30
Determine an application for the modification of a complying development certificate in accordance with section 4.30 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
9 positionsNSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979

Determine an application for the modification of consent pursuant to S4.55 or S4.56
Determine an application for the modification of consent pursuant to section 4.55 or 4.56 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
16 positionsNSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979

Determine Development applications pursuant to S4.16 of EPA Act 1979 and S68 of LGA Act 1993
Determine Development applications pursuant to section 4.16 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and any associated application for approval under section 68 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993 for:
• single dwelling development on an existing allotment,
• buildings that are ancillary to an existing single dwelling, such as a garage, shed, pergola, dwelling house addition, swimming pool or the like, but not including a building that is attached or ancillary to a building that is a heritage item listed under Schedule 5 of the Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan 2011,
• Class 10a and Class 10b buildings.
In accordance with Council's Council and Delegated Determination of Development Applications Policy.
13 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

NSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979

Determine Section 68 applications pursuant to Part 1, Division 1, s68 of the Local Government Act 1993
Determine applications pursuant to Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 under Part 1, Division 1, s68 - see Table Approvals under Part A, Part B, Part C, Part D, Part E and Part F.
5 positions
Exercise the functions of a Principal Certifying Authority in accordance with Division 6.2, S6.5
Exercise the functions of a Principal Certifying Authority on behalf of Council in accordance with Division 6.2, section 6.5 under the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
17 positionsNSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979

Issue certificates pursuant to Part 6, Divisions 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 & 6.5 of the EPA Act 1979
Issue certificates pursuant to Part 6, Divisions 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 & 6.5 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
21 positionsNSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979

Make a complaint to the Building Professionals Board in accordance with S21
To make a complaint to the Building Professionals Board against an accreditation holder in respect of the accreditation holder’s professional conduct in accordance with section 21 of the NSW Building Professionals Act 2005.
8 positionsBuilding Professionals Act 2005

May consider and review representation received from person issued a Penalty Infringement Notice (PIN) via the State Debt Recovery Office
May consider and review representation from person issued a Penalty Infringement Notice, (PIN) via the State Debt Recovery Office and give instruction to the State Debt Recovery Office to retract Penalty Infringement Notice, if considered appropriate in accordance with Council's Compliance Policy.
NB Review may not be carried out and instruction to retract PIN given if the person who has the benefit of the Delegation was the Officer who originally issued the PIN.
20 positions
Register and remove Planning Agreements from title of land under the Real Property Act 1900 under Section 7.6 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
Register and remove Planning Agreements from title of land under the Real Property Act 1900 under Section 7.6 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. 
2 positions
Review a determination of application pursuant to S8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 or 8.6
Review a determination of application pursuant to sections 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 (other than a review of a determination made by the council) or section 8.6 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
8 positionsNSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979

To determine that a tree or vegetation to which the State Environmental Planning Policy (Vegetation in Non-Rural Areas) 2017 applies
To determine that a tree or vegetation to which the State Environmental Planning Policy (Vegetation in Non-Rural Areas) 2017,applies is dying or dead and is not required as the habitat of native animals, or that Council is satisfied that the tree or vegetation is a risk to human life or property.
19 positions
To revoke or modify a development consent in accordance with section 4.57
To revoke or modify a development consent in accordance with section 4.57 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
5 positionsNSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979

To revoke or regrant a development consent in accordance with section 4.61
To revoke or regrant a development consent in accordance with section 4.61 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
4 positionsNSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979

To sign a development application lodgement on behalf of the Council
To sign a development application lodgement on behalf of the Council in respect of development relating to Council buildings and recreational facilities and having regard to any applicable Plan of Management.
6 positions


Act as an authorised person for the purpose of confiscating recreational equipment
Act as an authorised person for the purpose of confiscating recreational equipment pursuant to section 681A of the NSW Local Government Act 1993.
13 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

Act as an authorised person for the purpose of removing an offender from community land
Act as an authorised person for the purpose of removing an offender from community land pursuant to section 681 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993.
25 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

Act as an authorised person, for the purposes of serving a penalty notice
Act as an authorised person, for the purposes of serving a penalty notice pursuant to section 679 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993.
18 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

Carry out work required by an Order
Carry out work required by an Order if a person has failed to comply with that Order under section 678 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993.
36 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

Enter premises
Enter premises under section 191 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993 subject to and in accordance with Part 2 of Chapter 8 of the Local Government Act 1993.
82 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

Give notice of intention to serve an order
Give notice of intention to serve an order pursuant to section 132 of the NSW Local Government Act1993.
27 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

Issue an order
Issue an order pursuant to section 124 or section 125 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993.
20 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

Native Title Management
To act as the Council's Native Title Manager with consideration of Native Title implications under Part 8 of the NSW Crown Land Management Act 2016.
2 positionsNSW Crown Land Management Act 2016

To exercise the regulatory functions of Council (section 68 - A1)
To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Chapter 7 Part 1 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993 (Excluding section 82) for the following activities listed in the table of section 68 - A1.
8 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

To exercise the regulatory functions of Council (section 68 - B4, B5 & B6)
To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Chapter 7 Part 1 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993 (Excluding section 82) for the following activities listed in the table of section 68 - B4, B5 & B6.
7 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

To exercise the regulatory functions of Council (section 68 - C2, C3, C5 & C6)
To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Chapter 7 Part 1 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993 (Excluding section 82) for the following activities listed in the table of section 68 - C2, C3, C5 & C6.
5 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

To exercise the regulatory functions of Council (section 68 - D3)
To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Chapter 7 Part 1 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993 (Excluding section 82) for the following activities listed in the table of section 68 - D3.
0 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

To exercise the regulatory functions of Council (section 68 – E1 & E2)
To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Chapter 7 Part 1 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993 (Excluding section 82) for the following activities listed in the table of section 68 – E1 & E2.
0 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

To exercise the regulatory functions of Council (section 68 – F1, F2, F3 & F7)
To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Chapter 7 Part 1 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993 (Excluding section 82) for the following activities listed in the table of section 68 – F1, F2, F3 & F7.
3 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

To exercise the regulatory functions of Council (section 68 – F10)
To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Chapter 7 Part 1 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993 (Excluding section 82) for the following activities listed in the table of section 68 – F10.
3 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

To exercise the regulatory functions of Council (section 68 – F4 & F5)
To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Chapter 7 Part 1 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993 (Excluding section 82) for the following activities listed in the table of section 68 – F4 & F5.
7 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

To exercise the regulatory functions of Council (section 68 excluding C1)
To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Chapter 7 Parts 1, 2 & 3 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993 (Excluding section 82, 152, 153, 165) for the activities listed in the table of section 68 excluding C1.
19 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

To modify or revoke orders in accordance with Section 152 & 153

To modify or revoke orders in accordance with section 152 & 153 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993.

17 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993

To undertake works of a non-public nature on private land
To undertake works of a non-public nature on private land in accordance with section 67(2) of the NSW Local Government Act 1993.
10 positionsNSW Local Government Act 1993


Act as an authorised officer within the meaning of the Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2021.
Act as an authorised officer within the meaning of the Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2021.
18 positionsNSW Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2021


Act as an authorised officer within the meaning of the NSW Companion Animals Act 1998
Act as an authorised officer within the meaning of the NSW Companion Animals Act 1998.
13 positionsNSW Companion Animals Act, 1998

Issue a notice for the registration of an animal pursuant to S10B
Issue a notice for the registration of an animal pursuant to section 10B of the NSW Companion Animals Act 1998.
13 positionsNSW Companion Animals Act, 1998

Revoke a dangerous dog declaration pursuant to S39
Revoke a dangerous dog declaration pursuant to section 39 of the NSW Companion Animals Act 1998.
2 positionsNSW Companion Animals Act, 1998

Sell or destroy a surrendered animal pursuant to S64 & S64A
Sell or destroy a surrendered animal pursuant to section 64 and 64A of the NSW Companion Animals Act 1998.
12 positionsNSW Companion Animals Act, 1998


Act as an authorised officer in accordance with S27
Act as an authorised officer in accordance with section 27 of the NSW Swimming Pools Act 1992.
21 positionsNSW Swimming Pools Act 1992

Determine an application for certificate of compliance in accordance with S22
Determine an application for certificate of compliance in accordance with section 22 of the NSW Swimming Pools Act 1992.
16 positionsNSW Swimming Pools Act 1992

Determine an application for exemption from the barrier requirements pursuant to S22
Determine an application for exemption from the barrier requirements pursuant to section 22 of the NSW Swimming Pools Act 1992.
8 positionsNSW Swimming Pools Act 1992

Issue a direction pursuant to S23
Issue a direction pursuant to section 23 of the NSW Swimming Pools Act 1992.
21 positionsNSW Swimming Pools Act 1992


Act as an authorised officer
Act as an authorised officer for the purposes of the NSW Food Act 2003.
8 positionsNSW Food Act 2003

Approve dispensations and alternative methods of compliance
Approve dispensations and alternative methods of compliance in regard to the Food Standards Code’s Standard 3.2.2 (Clause 15 and 17) and Standard 3.2.3 (Clause 10 and 14).
8 positionsFood Standards Code

Serve a prohibition order in accordance with S60
Serve a prohibition order on the proprietor in accordance with section 60 of the NSW Food Act 2003.
8 positionsNSW Food Act 2003


Act as an authorised officer pursuant to S126
Act as an authorised officer pursuant to section 126 of the NSW Public Health Act 2010.
15 positionsNSW Public Health Act 2010

Issue a prohibition order pursuant to S45
Issue a prohibition order pursuant to section 45 of the NSW Public Health Act 2010.
8 positionsNSW Public Health Act 2010

Supervise exhumations in accordance with Clause 72
Supervise exhumations in accordance with clause 72 of the NSW Public Health Regulation 2012.
10 positionsNSW Public Health Regulation 2012

To exercise the Council's functions as a cemetery authority in accordance with Part 8
To exercise the Council's functions as a 'cemetery authority' in accordance with Part 8 of the Public Health Regulation 2012.
8 positionsNSW Public Health Regulation 2012


Act as an authorised officer pursuant to S187
Act as an authorised officer pursuant to section 187 of the NSW Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997.
19 positionsNSW Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997

Determine applications for burning in accordance with Clause 13
Determine applications for burning in accordance with clause 13 of the NSW Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air) Regulation 2010 where the proposal is not inconsistent with the Council’s Backyard Burning Protocol.
10 positionsNSW Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air) Regulation 2010

Exercise the functions of an enforcement officer in accordance with Division 3 of Part 8.2 of POE(O) Act 1997 and pursuant to Clause 81 of POEO(G) Regs 2009
Exercise the functions of an enforcement officer in accordance with Division 3 of Part 8.2 of the NSW Protection of the Environment (Operations) Act 1997 pursuant to clause 81 of the NSW Protection of the Environment Operations (General) Regulation 2009.
18 positionsNSW Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997

NSW Protection of the Environment Operations (General) Regulation 2009

Issue a direction to clean-up premises pursuant to S91
Issue a direction to clean-up premises pursuant to section 91 of the NSW Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997.
17 positionsNSW Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997

Issue a noise control notice pursuant to S264
Issue a noise control notice pursuant to section 264 of the NSW Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997.
16 positionsNSW Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997

Issue prevention notices pursuant to S96
Issue prevention notices pursuant to section 96 of the NSW Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997.
17 positionsNSW Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997

Revoke a noise control notice pursuant to S266
Revoke a noise control notice pursuant to section 266 of the NSW Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997.
16 positionsNSW Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997

Undertake clean-up action pursuant to S92
Undertake clean-up action pursuant to section 92 of the NSW Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997.
27 positionsNSW Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997

Vary or revoke prevention notices pursuant to S110
Vary or revoke prevention notices pursuant to section 110 of the NSW Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997.
17 positionsNSW Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997


Execute instruments under Part 6 Division 4
Execute instruments under Part 6 Division 4 of the NSW Conveyancing Act 1919 and make application to create, alter or extinguish any easements or restrictive or positive covenants under Part 6 Division 4 of the NSW Conveyancing Act, 1919.
11 positionsNSW Conveyancing Act 1919

NSW Real Property Act 1900


To act on behalf of the Council which is an 'approved provider'
To act on behalf of the Council, which is an 'approved provider' for the purposes of the NSW Children (Education and Care Services) Supplementary Provisions Act 2011.
2 positionsNSW Children (Education & Care Services) Supplementary Provisions Act 2011


The functions of the plumbing regulator to monitor compliance with this Act
The functions of the plumbing regulator to monitor compliance with this Act, ensure that any plumbing and drainage work carried out does not threaten public health or safety.
20 positionsNSW Plumbing & Drainage Act, 2011


Act as an authorised person under the Rural Fires Act 1997
Act as an authorised person within the meaning of the NSW Rural Fires Act 1997.
3 positionsNSW Rural Fires Act 1997

To conduct public awareness and educational programs associated with the SES
To conduct public awareness and educational programs associated with the State Emergency Services.
2 positions
To co-ordinate and make available the use of Council’s resources in the event of, preparation for responses to and recovery from emergencies
To co-ordinate and make available the use of Council’s resources in the event of, preparation for responses to and recovery from emergencies as deemed appropriate and in respect to a reasonable request from the State Emergency Management Committee.
26 positions
To coordinate the Local Emergency Management Committee
To coordinate the Local Emergency Management Committee pursuant to the NSW State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989.
3 positionsNSW State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989


Act as an authorised officer in accordance with S142
Act as an authorised officer in accordance with Section 142 of the NSW Road Transport Act 2013.
27 positionsNSW Road Transport Act 2013

Alter landform of land adjoining public road without acquiring land pursuant to S92(1)
Alter landform of land adjoining public road without acquiring land pursuant to section 92(1) of the NSW Roads Act 1993.
28 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Approve the erection of a public gate or the construction of a by-pass pursuant to S128 and S133
Approve the erection of a public gate or the construction of a by-pass around a public gate pursuant to Section 128 and 133 of the NSW Roads Act 1993.
1 positionNSW Roads Act 1993

Authorise the holder of a footway dining approval to erect and maintain structures pursuant to S126
Authorise the holder of a footway dining approval to erect and maintain structures in, on or over any part of a footway pursuant to Section 126 of the NSW Roads Act 1993.
2 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Authority to enter upon any land pursuant to Part 11 Division 1
Authority to enter upon any land pursuant to Part 11 Division 1 of the NSW Roads Act 1993.
27 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Authority to submit requests to the electricity authority
Authority to submit requests to the electricity authority for additions or improvements to street lighting and authorise works to proceed and Council to bear the additional annual charge in accordance with any relevant Policy, Protocol or Procedure.
20 positions
Carry out drainage work pursuant to S94
Carry out drainage work across land adjoining a public road pursuant to section 94 of the NSW Roads Act 1993.
34 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Carry out road work on a public road under Council’s control pursuant to S71
Carry out road work on a public road under Council’s control pursuant to Section 71 of NSW Roads Act 1993.
28 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Determine an application for footway dining approval pursuant to S125
Determine an application for footway dining approval pursuant to Section 125 of the NSW Roads Act1993.
2 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Determine an application for the display of banners in roads, parks and reserves
To determine an application for the display of banners in roads, parks and reserves under Council's control in accordance with any relevant Policy, Protocol or Procedure.
9 positions
Determine applications for minor encroachments within residential allotments
Determine applications for minor encroachments within residential allotments upon drainage easements registered in Council's favour in accordance with any relevant Policy, Protocol or Procedure.
5 positions
Determine applications for temporary road and footpath closures
Determine applications for temporary road and footpath closures in accordance with Council's Third Party Activities on Council Land and Roads Policy.
12 positions
Determine applications for the construction or repair of vehicle crossings
Determine applications for the construction or repair of vehicle crossings in accordance with any relevant Policy, Protocol or Procedure.
15 positions
Determine applications for works and structures to be conducted on or over public roads pursuant to S138
Determine applications for works and structures to be conducted on or over public roads pursuant to Section 138 of the NSW Roads Act 1993. Includes road opening permit and private pipelines inroads.
19 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Determine applications related to temporary road closures for neighbourhood-led events
Determine applications related to temporary road closures for neighbourhood-led events in accordance with Part 7 s79 NSW Road Regulation 2018.
3 positionsNSW Road Regulation 2018

Determine the amount of contribution to which any owner of land adjoining a public road is required to contribute pursuant to S217
Determine the amount of contribution to which any owner of land adjoining a public road is required to contribute to the cost incurred in construction or paving of any adjacent kerb, gutter or footway pursuant to Section 217 of the NSW Roads Act 1993 in accordance with Council's Contributions to Kerb, Gutter and Footpaths Policy.
1 positionNSW Roads Act 1993

Direct a person having control of work or structures pursuant to S98
Direct a person having control of work or structures in, on or over a public road to alter the work, structure or location of the works pursuant to section 98 of the NSW Roads Act 1993.
34 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Direct an irrigation corporation, a private irrigation board, a private drainage board or a private water trust pursuant to S99
Direct an irrigation corporation, a private irrigation board, a private drainage board or a private water trust (within the meaning of the NSW Water Management Act 2000) to repair or maintain any water supply work or drainage work pursuant to section 99 of the NSW Roads Act 1993.
7 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Direct any person by whom a public road is dug to restore the road to its previous condition pursuant to S101
Direct any person by whom a public road is dug to restore the road to its previous condition pursuant to section 101 of the NSW Roads Act 1993.
21 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Direct persons entitled to place utility services in, on or over a public road pursuant to S97
Direct persons entitled to place utility services in, on or over a public road pursuant to section 97 of the NSW Roads Act 1993.
21 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Direct persons who cause an obstruction or encroachment on a public road to remove the obstruction or encroachment pursuant to S107
Direct persons who cause an obstruction or encroachment on a public road to remove the obstruction or encroachment pursuant to Section 107 of the NSW Roads Act 1993.
33 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Direct the occupier of land in the vicinity of a public road to alter a fence or prepare or repair floodgate pursuant to S96
Direct the occupier of land in the vicinity of a public road to alter a fence or prepare or repair floodgate pursuant to section 96 of the NSW Roads Act 1993.
33 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Direct the occupier of land to remove obstructions pursuant to S95
Direct the occupier of land to remove obstructions and prevent its recurrence pursuant to section 95 of the NSW Roads Act 1993.
34 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Direct the owner of a private road to carry out works pursuant to S86
Direct the owner of a private road to carry out works pursuant to section 86 of the NSW Roads Act 1993.
2 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Direct the owner of any land adjoining a public road to fill in excavation works pursuant to S93
Direct the owner of any land adjoining a public road to fill in excavation works to ensure the stability of the road pursuant to section 93 of the NSW Roads Act 1993
34 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Direct the owner or occupier of land to erect or install fences, lights or other equipment pursuant to S103
Direct the owner or occupier of land to erect or install fences, lights or other equipment on or around any premises on the land that are, in the opinion of the Roads Authority, in a sufficiently dangerous condition to threaten the safety of persons or property on a public road in the vicinity of the premise pursuant to Section 103 of the NSW Roads Act 1993.
18 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Enter into agreements with TfNSW pursuant to S62
Enter into agreements with TfNSW pursuant to Section 62 of the NSW Roads Act 1993.
4 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Give notice of intention to enter land pursuant to S166
Give notice of intention to enter land pursuant to Section 166 of the NSW Roads Act 1993.
26 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

In accordance with S238 to take such action as is necessary to give effect to a direction
In accordance with section 238 of the NSW Roads Act 1993, to take such action as is necessary to give effect to a direction under the Act if the direction is not complied with in accordance its terms.
26 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Issue a parking permit pursuant to Clause 124
Issue a parking permit pursuant to clause 124 of the NSW Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Regulation 1999.
1 positionNSW Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Regulation 1999

Issue a permit to conduct a road event on a public road pursuant to S144
Issue a permit to conduct a road event on a public road pursuant to Section 144 of the NSW Roads Act 1993.
4 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Issue or extend a street vending consent pursuant to S139A and S139D
Issue or extend a street vending consent pursuant to Section 139A and 139D of the NSW Roads Act 1993.
2 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Lease land comprising a public road pursuant to S153
Lease land comprising a public road pursuant to section 153 of the NSW Roads Act 1993.
1 positionNSW Roads Act 1993

Make application for the closing of a public road pursuant to S34
Make application for the closing of a public road pursuant to Section 34 of the NSW Roads Act 1993.
11 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Name and number public roads pursuant to S162
Name and number public roads for which Council is the roads authority pursuant to Section 162 of the NSW Roads Act 1993 in accordance with Council's Property Address Policy.
7 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Prepare a proposal to fix the levels of a public road pursuant to Part 3 Division 3
Prepare a proposal to fix the levels of a public road or to vary the existing levels of a public road pursuant to Part 3 Division 3 of the NSW Roads Act 1993.
6 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Regulate traffic in connection with road work
Regulate traffic in connection with road work in accordance with S115 (1) & (2) (a), (b), (c), (d) & (e) of the NSW Roads Act 1993.
13 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Regulate traffic on a public road pursuant to Part 8, Division 1 & 4
Regulate traffic on a public road pursuant to Part 8, Division 1 & 4 of the NSW Roads Act 1993.
30 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Remove or lop any tree or vegetation that is on or overhanging a public road pursuant to S88
Remove or lop any tree or vegetation that is on or overhanging a public road pursuant to section 88 of the NSW Roads Act 1993 and in accordance with Council's Tree Risk Management Protocol.
29 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

Revoke a permit for the erection of a public gate or the construction of a by-pass pursuant to S130 and S136
Revoke a permit for the erection of a public gate or the construction of a by-pass around a public gate pursuant to Section 130 and 136 of the NSW Roads Act 1993.
1 positionNSW Roads Act 1993

Revoke a street vending consent pursuant to Section 139C
Revoke a street vending consent pursuant to Section 139C of the NSW Roads Act 1993.
2 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

To Act as an authorised officer pursuant to S251
To act as an authorised officer pursuant to section 251 of the NSW Roads Act 1993, for the purposes of the NSW Roads Act 1993 and the regulations made thereunder.
25 positionsNSW Roads Act 1993

To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Part 12, Division 10
To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Part 12, Division 10, Rule 211 of the Road Rules 2014 Regulation.
10 positionsNSW Road Rules 2014 Regulation

To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Part 12, Division 2
To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Part 12, Division 2 Rule 168, 168-1 and 169 of the Road Rules 2014 Regulation.
10 positionsNSW Road Rules 2014 Regulation

To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Part 12, Division 3
To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Part 12, Division 3, Rule 170 to 175 (inclusive) of the Road Rules 2014 Regulation.
10 positionsNSW Road Rules 2014 Regulation

To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Part 12, Division 4
To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Part 12, Division 4, Rule 176, 176-1, 177 and 178 of the Road Rules 2014 Regulation.
10 positionsNSW Road Rules 2014 Regulation

To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Part 12, Division 5
To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Part 12, Division 5, Rule 179 to 186 of the Road Rules 2014 Regulation. 
10 positionsNSW Road Rules 2014 Regulation

To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Part 12, Division 6
To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Part 12, Division 6, Rule 187 to 203A (inclusive) of the Road Rules 2014 Regulation.
10 positionsNSW Road Rules 2014 Regulation

To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Part 12, Division 7
To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Part 12, Division 7, Rule 204 to 207-9 (inclusive) of the Road Rules 2014 Regulation.
10 positionsNSW Road Rules 2014 Regulation

To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Part 12, Division 8
To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Part 12, Division 8, Rule 208, 208A and 209 of the Road Rules 2014 Regulation.
10 positionsNSW Road Rules 2014 Regulation

To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Part 12, Division 9
To exercise the regulatory functions of Council contained in Part 12, Division 9, Rule 210 of the Road Rules 2014 Regulation.
10 positionsNSW Road Rules 2014 Regulation


Authority to make Local Environmental Plan amendments
Resolution No. 185/2017
That both Council and the General Manager agree to the Director Planning and the Manager Sustainable Growth, having delegated authority to make a Local Environmental Plan Amendment.
1 positionNSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979

NSW Local Government Act 1993

Delegation to Recommend Council Officers for Building Accreditation
Resolution No. 150/2010
That the General Manager (or their delegate) be delegated to assess and recommend Council officers for accreditation under the Building Professionals Act 2005.
0 positionsBuilding Professionals Act 2005

Delegations under Plumbing and Drainage Act, 2011
Resolution No. 14/2013
1. That Council formally accept the delegations from plumbing regulator (Fair Trading) under Section 21 to the Plumbing and Drainage Act, 2011.
2. That Council notify Fair Trading in writing of its acceptance of the delegation.
3. That Council sub-delegate the functions delegated to it by the plumbing regulator (Fair Trading) to the General Manager.
4. That Delegations for Authorised professional staff be sought from the General Manager to reflect the requirements of Section 378 of the Local Government Act, 1993.
7 positionsNSW Plumbing & Drainage Act, 2011

NSW Local Government Act 1993

Instrument of Delegation - Permits
Pursuant to section 661(1)(a) of the Heavy Vehicle National Law as applied in participating jurisdictions, the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator, hereby delegates under section 661 of the National Law to the persons listed in Schedule 1, those functions specified in Column 1 and Column 2 of Schedule 2, subject to the limitations specified in Column 3 of Schedule 2. No other powers or functions under National Law either implied or explicit, are delegated by this instrument.
The description of the functions provided in column 2 of Schedule 2 does not limit the scope of the functions delegated in column 1 of Schedule 2.
Pursuant to section 661(2) of the National Law, the delegate may subdelegate the functions specified in Schedule 1 to suitably qualified persons for the purpose of giving effect to the National Law in NSW.
This instrument takes effect on 1 March 2017.
This instrument replaces and revokes the previous instrument of delegation issued on 21 January 2016, NHVR0228-01.
This instrument comprises 2 pages, no other material forms part of the instrument.
This Delegation including Schedule 1 and 2 can be viewed in TRIM 1907#2206.
5 positionsHeavy Vehicle National Law

Heavy Vehicle National Law


An authorised person appointed as a Council Investigation Officer may serve a penalty notice under the NSW Crown Land Management Act 2016
An authorised person appointed as a Council Investigation Officer may serve a penalty notice on anyone who appears to the authorised person to have committed an offence under the NSW Crown Land Management Act 2016 and Regulation 2018, the regulations or the by-laws made under Part 10 & 11, being an offence prescribed by the regulations for the purpose of these Parts. 
2 positionsNSW Crown Land Management Act 2016

NSW Crown Land Management Act 2016


Exercise the powers outlined in sections 12.2 (1)(e) and 12.2 (2) (c) of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016
Exercise the powers outlined in section 12.2 (1)(e) and 12.2 (2) (c) of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016. These functions are assigned generally.
16 positions


Authorised to exercise the Council’s delegable functions under the Cemeteries and Crematoria Act 2013
Authorised to exercise the Council’s delegable functions under the Cemeteries and Crematoria Act 2013 – specifically s27, s33(5), s33, s36, s39, s41, s47, s58, s59, s63, s63(10), s69, s69(2) and Schedule 4 
2 positionsCemeteries and Crematoria Act 2013

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